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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Jean




an outgoing, overtly expressive person.

Being extroverted, I love hanging out with people, meeting new friends, talking and storytelling. I draw my energy off of the people I am around. Being in a new city with my friends I obtained far away, it makes my days after work incredibly lonely.

I am not here complaining that I have no friends or "no one wants to hang out with me" cause that's just not true. I have many of friends and family that I enjoy seeing and spending time with. Yet we all have full-time jobs and are hours away from one another so during the week, and sometimes weekends, I can get incredibly lonely and depressed because of being alone.

Being the extrovert I naturally am, I am slowly trying to find ways to either pass time by myself, or make new friends.

Recently, I've been getting back to reading books at the local library. I've noticed my preference on books have changed since I was in high school (last time I read for leisure). I used to just die over romantic novels by Sarah Dessen. Lately my interests are more towards mystery and adventure novels as well as book series.

Browsing Facebook and the Des Moines tourism bureau's web page is a good way to find events that I can go to alone so I have something to look forward to later that day. I've so far discovered the amazing Farmer's Market that is located in downtown. Unfortunately, it is the winter and only have an indoor one once a month.

Sometimes I try to go to local coffee shops to just sit there and read a book or watch Hulu and Netflix. Just so I'm around others and not consistently going to and from work every single day.

This can get quite expensive though drinking a coffee every afternoon and possibly supper depending on where I'm at. In the end though, the money is not what matters to me. Being around others though does help me in my depressed moods and not feeling alone.

-What I crave for is human connection, not feeling that I'm the only person around and having no one beside me-

I've also attempted to meet new friends on Bumble. It's not only a dating app, but also has a 'bff' setting where you can meet new people to be friends with. So far I have met one person who I really enjoy hanging out with her and her husband. We have similar personalities and enjoy watching Ghost Adventures together. The only thing is she's incredibly busy and as little time to hang out together. So I will say the app is helpful! It's a lot like finding a date though with finding a friend that you wish mesh well with.

Having online friends for extroverts is not enough for many, at least for me it's not. For us to regain energy, we need to see people in person to really feel 100%. That is another hurdle, meeting people in person when you both are available. Even just being surrounded by people can sometimes not be enough. Having a conversation with another is and making friendships is what really makes me feel like a true friend.

I know that I will eventually find friends that I can hang out here in Des Moines. It will take some time, and patience, but it will be worth the friendship created.

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